Tokens in Python

 What is Tokens ?
                 The smallest individual unit in a program is known as Tokens or lexical unit.

Python provides five types of Tokens:--
  • Keyword
  • Identifier
  • Literals
  • Punctuators
  • Operators
    • words conveys special meaning.
    • these are reserved for special purposes.
    • not be used as normal identifier names.
    • there are 48 keywords in java whereas in python there is 33 keywords.     
    • these are the building blocks of the program.
    • used as the general terminology for the names given to different parts of the program.
    • examples---variables, list, dict, numpy array, etc.
    • literals are data items that have fixed value.
           "There are mainly five types of Literals in Python"

    • operators are tokens that trigger some computation.
    • can be applied to variables and other objects in an expression.
            "There are total seven operators in Python:--"

    • Punctuators are the symbols that are used in programming to organized  programming sentence.
