5 Easy Exercises To Decrease The Effect Of Screen On Eyes :-

1. Rolling

    It is one of the easiest exercise to relax you eyes. Sit in a comfortable posture. First, roll your eyes in clockwise. Secondly, in anti-clockwise. It lubricate (Smooth/Slippery) your eyes. It reduce the tension of your eyes. It is easy to do while you are busy in work.

2. Scanning

     Sit in a comfortable posture in any corner of your room. Start exploring all the things from one side to the another side of the room. Then, visualize all the things.

3. Visualize Figure 8

     Sit on the chair in comfortable posture. Visualize Figure 8 on 8-10 feet floor. Roll your eyes  on figure 8 for 30 seconds. Then, change the side and roll your eyes for another 30 seconds which makes your eyes comfortable.

4. THREE-20 Formula

     After every sitting of 20 minutes in front of the screen, focus your eyes on anything (Door, Tree, Window, etc.) which is 20 meters away from you for minimum 20 seconds. According to some studies, eyes takes 20 seconds to relax completely.

5. Finger Trick

     Take the finger in front of your eyes and make a distance of some inches between them. Focus on it. Move the finger very slowly to make the distance between finger and eyes. During this process, do not loose the focus. Again, move the finger to the previous position. Repeat this process with both the eyes turn-wise.


  • Decrease The Screen Time

         Diseases due to the use of digital screen devices are also known as CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome). Make sure your eyes are away from screen about 20-28 inches and they are in sufficient light.

  • Healthy Diet

         Food which contains nutrients like Zinc, Vitamin-C, Vitamin -E reduces the eye problems. Food contains these nutrients-- Green vegetables, Sea Food, Nuts, Oily Fish, etc.

  • Use of Sunglasses

         Excess of UV (Ultra Violet) Rays may harm the muscles of your eyes. Use those sunglasses which are capable to reduce 99% to 100% UV Rays.

  • Time for Sleep

         Take a sleep of 6-7 hours, increase or decrease in time of sleep may effect your heart.

