AI domains

AI - Domain 

The domain of AI is classified into Formal tasks, Mundane tasks, and Expert tasks. Humans learn mundane (ordinary) tasks since their birth. They learn by perception, speaking, using language, and locomotives.

Here we are gonna talk about AI domains which are DATA, Open CV, NLP (Natural Language Processing).

1. Data

  A data domain is the collection of values that a data element may contain. In data science we train an AI model through, Numerical and Alphanumerical data's . 


Application of AI build on Data Science are--  

Weather forecasting, Score-Prediction, Analysis, Targeted Advertising.


2.Computer Vision 

In CV computer uses its vision (i.e; camera) to learn. In computer vision we train an AI model using Images and videos.


Application of AI build on Computer Vision are-- 

Face recognition, unusual detection, object classification, gesture/posture detection.

3. NLP ( Natural Language Processing )

Natural Language Processing means that the computer or AI model is able to process/understand natural human languages. In NLP we train AI-model using Text and Speeches data.

Application of AI build on NLP are--

Chat-bots, Google Assistant, Auto-correct, Sentiment analysis, Auto speech completion, cortona, siri etc... 
