Best SMG in Call of Duty : Mobile

Best SMGs(Light Ammo) in CODM :-

Hereby, SMGs(light ammo) are Categorised on the basis of their #Accuracy, #Damage, #Fire_Rate, #Mobility, and  #Control...

SMGs are considered best for short range shots and kills enemy within a sec or two. 


1. RUS-79U

The most favourable gun/SMG of most of the gamers it has high damage, accuracy, good range of shots. But when used while playing its shows something extra power and has the ability to kill enemy within in a 3 shots in short range.

Normal RUS-79U comes with:-

Damage                    :-            43

Fire_Rate                :-            77

Accuracy                  :-            51

Range                        :-            44

Mobility                    :-            73

Control                     :-             50


Arsenal RUS-79U i.e.; Air Drop Weapon :-

Damage                    :-             43

Fire_Rate                :-             77

Accuracy                  :-             71

Range                        :-             52

Mobility                    :-             52

Control                     :-              65


My RUS-79U Customization :-


2. Chicom

Chicom is one of the best SMG in CODM with high Accuracy and Control. As its Fire_rate is not up to the mark but it is good and when matched up with Damage and Control it gives us the  best result.

Normal Chicom comes with:-

Damage                    :-            42

Fire_Rate                :-            62

Accuracy                  :-            63

Range                        :-            43

Mobility                    :-            74

Control                     :-             57


Arsenal Chicom i.e.; Air Drop Weapon :- 

Damage                  :-             42 

Fire_Rate                :-            62 

Accuracy                 :-             80 

Range                      :-             43 

Mobility                  :-             79 

Control                    :-             59


My Chicom Customization :- 

 3. GKS

GKS is another best SMG in CODM with good Damage, Accuracy and with high mobility and Control. As its Fire_Rate and also range are not up to the mark but it is better than others. So, it is more considerable than others.

Normal GKS comes with:-

Damage                    :-             43

Fire_Rate                :-             60

Accuracy                  :-            62

Range                        :-            50

Mobility                    :-            72

Control                      :-            59

Arsenal GKS i.e.; Air Drop Weapon :-  

Damage                    :-             43

Fire_Rate                :-             62

Accuracy                  :-             80

Range                        :-             43

Mobility                    :-             79

Control                      :-             59


My GKS Customization:-


 4. Razorback

Razorback is another SMG in COD:MOBILE having good Damage, Fire_rate and high Mobility but it fails in Accuracy and Control. If we consider its Damage and Fire_Rate then it is a good gun.

Normal Razorback comes with:-

Damage                    :-             45

Fire_Rate                :-             63

Accuracy                  :-             60

Range                        :-             45

Mobility                    :-             72

Control                      :-             57

Arsenal Razorback i.e.; Air Drop Weapon :-

Damage                    :-             45

Fire_Rate                :-             63

Accuracy                  :-             72

Range                        :-             45

Mobility                    :-             67

Control                      :-             64


My Razorback Customization :- 


5. Pharo

Pharo is another SMG in COD:MOBILE having highest Damage, Fire_Rate and  good Mobility but it is also backward in Accuracy and Control. If we consider its Damage and Fire_Rate then it gives it all time best combination.

Normal Pharo comes with:-

Damage                    :-             49

Fire_Rate                :-             68

Accuracy                  :-             49

Range                        :-             43

Mobility                    :-             75

Control                      :-             39

Arsenal Pharo i.e.; Air Drop Weapon :-

Damage                     :-             49

Fire_Rate                 :-             68

Accuracy                   :-             64

Range                         :-             52

Mobility                     :-             54

Control                       :-             67


My Pharo Customization :- 
