Workout For Five Minutes And Loose Your Weight :-


Time is precious but Health is also precious. 

So, we are back with some easy and effective exercises which maintains your body and keeps you healthy by performing following exercises only for five minutes in a day.

  • Running in Place

         Alternately, moves your arms and legs up as shown. Make sure your leg as high as your hip. It improves your heart rate, blood sugar level, burns calories and fat etc.

  • Jumping Jacks
         It is like a jumping exercise in which you have to jump, make gap between your legs and moves your hands up from your head. Then, again jump and comes to your original position. It strengthens your bones, improves cardiovascular fitness, balance heart rate, good for your muscles, increase blood circulation, loose your fat etc.

  • Climb a Mountain

         First, comes in the push-up position and lift your knee towards your chest with both the legs one by one as shown. It is good for your heart and muscles. It build strength, improves heart rate, burns calories and fat etc.


  • Perform each exercise for 60-90 seconds.

  • Take a break for 10-15 seconds between each exercise.

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