Red Crate In CODM :-

Items present in Red Crate

1. FHJ-18/SMRS

    -- Only one rocket launcher (FHJ/SMRS) is available in red crate.

  • FHJ-18 is a rocket launcher which can lock on all the vehicles including helicopters and boats. 

  • SMRS is another rocket launcher, but it can not lock on vehicles including choppers and boats.

2. Rockets

     These are the ammo of rocket launchers. Five rockets are present in every red crate.

3. Backpack

     It adds five inventory slots to collect more items.


4. Grenades

     (i) Nova Gas: It produce toxic gas which makes enemy uncomfortable and decrease its energy level. It also makes enemy to came outside the tank when you throw nova gas near the tank.

     (ii) Frag Grenade: It takes five seconds to blast and give high damage to the enemy.

    (iii) Smoke Grenade: It releases smoke to hide yourself and your teammates in smoke.

    (iv) Cluster Grenade: It is used to attack the opponent team as it blasts 4-5 times in a single throw.

    (v) Flashbang Grenade: It produces flashlight for 2-3 seconds which blinds and deafens your enemy for some seconds and he is not able to use his weapons.

    (vi) Serial Bomb: It has both the effects of a flashbang and cluster grenade which explodes multiple times.

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