Build Your Own MySQL Interface in Python

MySQL Interface in Python

Building an MySQL interface in python is very simplest task to do, Python provides a wide range of libraries to build an interface by allowing users to use less queries. Here we are gonna talk you about building such an interface that do your MySQL work without writing long and hard syntax's.


  • Protocols for classes that completely separates specification / behavior from implementation.
  • In simple words, if you are using MySQL in Python then you are providing MySQL  specification / behavior to be used in Python with less queries.

Libraries Required-

  • mysql-connector
  • Numpy


* You'll see the Python3 code in Pictures but there is a google link provided in the end to download the file *

* This program is designed in such a way that you can run it on any windows platform installed with MySQL software in it*


We are supposed to create an Interface that can do create database,updating records,drop database/table,Alter (change/modify/Add),And Inserting records.


Create database



Drop Database/Table

Alter (change/modify/Add)

Inserting records

Download the file

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