Are You Depressed?

Ask from yourself.

--- YES or NO.

I know the answer is YES, because that's why you came here.

So, there are some questions related to that.

  • How to overcome from this?
  • How long it will take?
  • Side effects of medicines?
  • ...................?
  • ...........?
  • .....?

Forget all these type of nonsense questions which makes your brain more depressed, tense, loaded etc.

So, there are some very easy rules to follow and LET'S SEE THE MAGIC.


There is a medicine named '30 minutes exercise'. Yes, its medicine, are you smiling after reading a word 'medicine' with 30 minutes exercise. If yes, then the process to overcome from depression is begins. If not, don't tense, follow these some very easy rules regularly and see the magic.

So, Exercise for 30 minutes or more for 4-5 days in a week which helps you a lot to overcome from depression. 10-20 minutes cycling or running is also very good.

150 minutes of Exercise in every week may push you out from depression.


One more Two-in-One-Rule medicine is here, i.e. 'Fruits and Vegetables'.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables like Carrot, Apple, Banana, Kiwi, Black Berries Dark Green Vegies, i.e. Cucumber, Spinach etc. daily which improves your mental health.


Another medicine is 'BALANCED DIET'. It is very important for each and every person, no matters he/she is suffering from depression or not. 


Most important medicine which you don't have to miss is minimum '7 HOURS of SLEEP'. It improves our Thinking skills, Mental health, etc.

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