Brief note on Pandas Python Library

What is Pandas Library ?

Pandas is a Python Library used for Data Analysis and Data Visualization. Pandas expanded for is PANel DAta System.


>Pandas has 3 Data Structure:-

  • Series - 

    It is One-Dimensional Labelled Data Structure to store homogeneous [same data type ] mutable data

  • DataFrame - 

    It is a Two-Dimensional structure to store heterogeneous[multiple data type] mutable data.

  • Panel-

    It is a Three-Dimensional way of storing items.

The most used Data Structure in Pandas are DataFrame and Series.


>Creation Of Series -

Series can be created using any of two following methods. 

  1. Dict (Dictionary)

  2. Scalar value or constant


>Creation Of DataFrame -

Dataframe can be created using the following construct:

  1. Lists

  2. Series

  3. Dictionary

  4. NumPy ndarrays


Advantages of using Pandas Library :-

  1. Less Writing and more work done
  2. It offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series.

  3. Fast and efficient DataFrame object with default and customized indexing.

  4. It has tools to import/export data from different sources like excel, SQL etc.

  5.  High performance merging and joining of data.

  6. Data alignment and integrated handling of missing data.

  7. Pandas is perfect when you talk about data science and data analysis. It helps to organize and represent data.





