Django - A Python FrameWork


Django is a Python high level web Framework that encourages rapid development and clean, simple design. Django is a web application development framework., helps eliminate repetitive tasks making the development process an easy and time saving experience. 

It was named after famous guitarist Django Reinhardt. Developed by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison it was open sourced in 2005 and its first version was released on September 3 2008.

A framework that assist in building and maintaining quality web applications.

Here I'm gonna talk about the Advantages of Django.


> Object-Relational Mapping Support:

Django provides a bridge between the data model and the database engine and support a large set of database system including MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, etc.

> Supports no-SQL databases: 

Django also supports NoSQL databases through Django-Nonrel fork. For now the only NoSQL databases supported are MongoDB and Google App engine.

> Multilingual Support: 

Django supports multilingual websites through its built in internationalization system. Thus we can develop a website that can support multiple languages.

> Framework support: 

Django has built in support for Ajax, RSS, caching. and various others frameworks.

> Administration GUI: 

Django Provides a nice ready to use user interface for administrative activities.

> Development environment: 

Django comes with a light weight web server to facilitate end to end application development and testing.

> Loosely Coupled: 

Django aims to make each element of its stack independent to others.

> Less Coding: 

Django requires less coding so it can be developed easily. A happy news for me.

> Don't Repeat yourself (DRY): 

Everything is developed at one place instead of writing it again and again.

> Scalable: 

Django uses a component based "shared nothing" architecture ( each part of the architecture is independent of others and can, Hence, be replaced or changed when needed.)

> Secured: 

Django enables protection against much vulnerability by default, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request, forgery, etc.
