Programming Languages to get into GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, APPLE

Hey buddy, I know You are wondering about, what are the things required to get into GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, AMAZON, APPLE, etc. So I came with an amazing topic to clear all your doubts related to this. 

Before we begin Let me tell you the hiring process of all these MNCs are mostly same, but while hiring they want to see your Problem Solving Skills, Your grip on Data Structures and Algorithm, Business Intelligence Skills, Your Adaptive Quality etc...

So Finally Lets Begin...

1. Google

Google is the no. 1 Tech Company in the world with 6.9 billion searches every day or a staggering 2.5 trillion searches every year.

Getting a job in google is not much easier than you think but everything can happen if you have guts to achieve it.

Every year more than 20 million people apply for job in google out-of-which only 5000 (five thousand) got selected.

Skills I've already discussed.


Programming Language:-

  • Python

  • C#

  • C++

  • R

  • Ruby

  • Any one Database Management Software Knowledge

  • Java

  • Javascript

  • Kotlin and many more.


2. Microsoft

The company which has changed the course of Technology World by introducing user friendly OS, various Built in tools for data management, leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications.

The company also publishes books and multimedia titles, produces its own line of hybrid tablet computers, offers e-mail services, and sells electronic game systems and computer peripherals.

Programming Languages :--

  • .NET (build on JavaScript ) 

  • C++

  • C

  • C#

  • Java

  • TypeScript

  • Python 


3. Apple 

The famous company of most of the users. Apple is widely known for its iphone, MacOS, ipod, its marketing strategies for its products, etc.

Apple has became famous after introducing smartphones (ie; iphone). It has various OS ie; Darwin, iOS, ipodOS, MacOS, tvOS, watchOS, etc..

Programming Language:--

  • Swift

  • Java

  • Objective C

  • C++

  • Scala

  • SQL or NOSQL 

