Features of Python


Python Programming

Best things about Python are:--
  • It is an "OO Language" (Object Oriented Language)--  ie;  A programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects" which contain data in the form of fields and code in the form of procedure.
  • Its "Completeness"-- when we install python we get access to all of its libraries and there is ni need to install them additionally, which in terms are not provided by any other programming language.

  • Python provides two "different modes" for working:--  
    1. Interactive mode.
    2. Script Mode. ( to open "CTRL+N")
  • Cross-Platform Language-- Python can easily work on different variety of platform windows/linux/MACos...etc...
One of the most Featured thing about python is that it is an "Interpreted Language".

Python Character Set--
      Letters    ->  A-Z
        Digit      ->  0-9
        Symbols    -> +, - ,=, /, (), {},[]...etc..
        Spaces     -> tab spaces, carriage return etc

       "Python uses all ASCII and ISCII characters as part of data or literals"

Python also has set of 5 TOKENS--
    1. Keyword 
    2. Literals
    3. Identifiers
    4. Operators
    5. Punctuators.

You can perform work related tooo--
    1. Dictionary
    2. Sets
    3. Lists
    4. Numbers
    5. Strings     etc.

Python also provide additional "Math Module" for performing work related to Mathematics Calculation...

Python can be used in--
    • WEB Development
    • Data Analysis.
    • AI 
    • Ethical Hacking
    • Software Development
    • Used in Financial Industries.
    • Used by Space Agencies.              etc. 

        So these are some of the best featured things about python.

"We have discussed some basic concepts here because if we talk everything about python, then we have to write the whole novel.. "

After learning about tokens and their usage we can easily ho through with simple programming in python like:---- Printing of your name, subtraction, addition, etc. 

                         we will show you how to Print your name, subtraction, addition, etc.
