Best Assault Rifle in Call Of Duty : mobile

Best Assault Rifles in CODM :-

 Hereby, Guns are Categorised on the basis of their #Accuracy, #Damage, #Fire_Rate,  #Mobility, and #Control...

  1.   AK-47

    Ak-47 is the best gun in cod:mobile with high Accuracy and Damage . As its fire rate is little bit annoying but when matched up with Damage it gives it all time best combination.

    Normal AK-47 comes with:-

    Damage               :-        48

    Fire_Rate           :-        55

    Accuracy             :-        67

    Range                   :-       58

    Mobility               :-       68

    Control                :-        44


    Arsenal AK-47 i.e.; Air Drop weapon:-

    Damage               :-        48

    Fire_Rate           :-        55

    Accuracy             :-        80

    Range                   :-        67

    Mobility               :-        51

    Control                :-        51


    My Ak-47 customization:-


    2. Ak-117

 Ak-117 is the another best gun in cod:mobile with high Accuracy and Fire rate . As its Damage is little bit low but when matched up with Fire_Rate it gives it all time best combination. Here we cannot say Ak-47 is better than Ak-117 as CODM has made everything balanced so both the guns are best. It's totally depend on your choice what you want to use.


Normal AK-117 comes with:-

Damage               :-        38

Fire_Rate           :-        77

Accuracy             :-        62

Range                   :-       52

Mobility               :-       66

Control                :-        46


Arsenal AK-117 i.e.; Air Drop weapon:-

Damage               :-        38

Fire_Rate           :-       77

Accuracy             :-        80

Range                   :-        63

Mobility               :-       48

Control                :-        54


My Ak-117 customization:- 


3. M4

A good, nice, fast Assault rifle not much likeable but a fine gun . It does not sounds good for most of the CODM gamers. It has a high accuracy, high fire rate and control but low damage.

Normal M4 comes with:-

Damage               :-        48

Fire_Rate           :-        55

Accuracy             :-        67

Range                   :-       58

Mobility               :-       68

Control                :-        44


Arsenal M4 i.e.; Air Drop weapon:-

Damage               :-        39

Fire_Rate           :-        68

Accuracy             :-        71

Range                   :-        69

Mobility               :-        46

Control                :-        73


My M4 Customization:-

4. DR-H

This gun is simply amazing it has a highest ever damage obtained by a assault rifle in CODM, high accuracy, good range and control. This guns satisfy hunger of increasing damage and has the ability to kill an enemy with in 2 shots.

Normal DR-H comes with:-

Damage               :-        48

Fire_Rate           :-        55

Accuracy             :-        67

Range                   :-       58

Mobility               :-       68

Control                :-        44


Arsenal DR-H i.e.; Air Drop weapon:-

Damage               :-        67

Fire_Rate           :-        57

Accuracy             :-        80

Range                   :-        54

Mobility               :-        47

Control                :-        59


My DR-H Customization:-


5. ASM10

This gun has high damage, high accuracy, good range and control. This guns is the tough challenger of AK-47 and  has the ability to kill an enemy with in 3 shots.

Normal ASM10 comes with:-

Damage               :-        49

Fire_Rate           :-        55

Accuracy             :-        72

Range                   :-       48

Mobility               :-       60

Control                :-        52


Arsenal ASM10  i.e.; Air Drop weapon:-

Damage               :-        49

Fire_Rate           :-        55

Accuracy             :-        88

Range                   :-        56

Mobility               :-        49

Control                :-        59

 My ASM10 Customization:-
